There are many species of birds in the area around Harmers Wood and to encourage them we have installed various sizes of nest box on some of the mature trees in the wood. Here are some of the species you might see in the wood itself and on your journey around the area and Helsby hill.

Fringilla coelebs

Fringilla coelebs Chaffinch (male)

Helsby 6th April 2009

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Pararge aegeria

Fringilla coelebs Chaffinch (female)

Helsby 28th July 2008

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Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

Look for it in and around Harmers Wood, on Helsby Hill top and in local gardens

The Chaffinch is one of Britain's commonest birds and during the winter months they can visit garden bird feeders in quite large numbers. As with many birds the male in breeding plumage is quite colourful but the female is grey and white.